Monday, January 9, 2012

Rick Perry Can't Debate, Huh?

This weekend, Rick Perry did a phenomenal job in back-to-back debates in New Hampshire.

David Gregory asked a typically loaded liberal question of Jon Huntsman: Name three spending cuts which will cause people "pain". Then Gregory asked Perry an audience question: "Is it un-American for Americans to feel relieved when the government helps them?". Perry took on both questions, rejecting the "government compassion" rhetoric and talking about the dignity of being self-sufficient- a core principle of conservatism- and he did it with a good laugh line to boot (at 1:00):

This was Perry's best moment, in my opinion: Rick Santorum infers that libertarians are anarchists (a constant theme from him), bickers with Ron Paul, and then Perry delivers his best line of the weekend (at 1:07):

I'm sure we could expect more of these debate moments, but Rick doesn't seem to be getting much air time in the debates now. Certainly not as much as was given to the other candidates.

On Twitter, I saw this tweet from @evanpower which best encapsulates the question for GOP voters now:
Everyones excuse on why Rick Perry shouldn't win was he cannot debate, now that he has shown he can, what's the issue?
Good question!

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